Better Social Media for Libraries: Twitter, Blogs and Instagram

“Fantastic! The hands-on exercises were useful – not only did they help the learning to sink in but they encouraged us to think about real workplace-based ways in which tools could be used. The content was all very relevant because you had investigated what we already do/use. It all felt new and exciting.”


Social Media provides essential marketing, communications and networking opportunities in today’s digital workplace, but what can you do to elevate your library or information service to a higher level of stakeholder engagement? This course is ideal if you are reaching a social media plateau and want to take your organisation’s use of social media to the next level.

Who should attend?
All digital librarians, IT and information professionals who use Twitter, Instagram and/or blogs on behalf of their institution, and who want to explore beyond the basics of what these tools are and why to use them; focussing on how to use them more strategically, efficiently and effectively.

The course – led by Ned Potter, a social media consultant and trainer with an intimate understanding of how social media should be used in the workplace – addresses:

*Key social media platforms, how they work and how to use them effectively
*Building social media networks, increasing your following and increasing engagement
*Managing multiple social media platforms
*Measuring and analysing impact

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